U41117-J-Z125-7-76 451
Explanation of console messages Message lines
SXDT003 DTV(# 3): ALERT: dev=<maj,min>: disk filesystem state is corrupted!
Due to I/O errors when writing metadata, the DTV file system on the corresponding hard
disk has become inconsistent. If this I/O problem is temporary, the metadata operation is
rolled back and the file system is automatically restored to a consistent state (see message
SXDT004 ...).
Notify maintenance staff.
SXDT004 DTV(# 4): NOTICE: dev=<maj,min>: disk filesystem state is clean!
The DTV file system on the corresponding hard disk has been restored to a consistent
SXDT005 DTV(# 5): ALERT: data compression disabled!
It was not possible to allocate the necessary resources for DTV data compression. As a
result, support is not provided for TFS/DTV data compression and compressed volumes
cannot be read.
Notify maintenance staff.
SXDT009 ALERT: DTV: *** filesystem may be corrupted! ***"
This class of error messages indicates that write operations on the metadata could not be
performed. If the problem is temporary, the write operation will be performed later. If the
problem remains until the system is shut down, or the system crashes before the problem
is rectified, the CentricStor data maintenance system will be inconsistent.
Check whether the RAID controller and the Fibre Channel connection are okay. If the
problem cannot be rectified, notify maintenance staff.
SXDT010 DTV(#10):ALERT: <func>(<maj,min>: ino=<ino>): cannot sync meta data to disk!
Due to an I/O error, it is not possible to conclude the metadata transaction for the corre-
sponding file. As a result, the transaction is rolled back.