
160 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Function bar GXCC
If the online manuals have to be updated as well, the manuals are transferred in the
background after the program files. If the transfer is completed successfully, the new
manual is activated automatically and the older edition deleted. Thus, if you do not
activate a new software version immediately, it can happen that the online manual
is more up to date than the user interface software.
You can use the update/revert tool to:
display the saved software versions and delete versions that are not required from the
update folder
activate (update) a version saved in the update folder
revert GXCC to the status it had at installation
With the update/revert tool you always remain in the same main version of GXCC/XTCC
(e.g. in version 2.xx). The installation process via CD is required to upgrade to another main
version (e.g. 3.xx).
On a workstation, the latest GXCC/XTCC version from all the monitored systems is thus
loaded automatically and activated on request. An update installation from CD is thus not
necessary on the workstation.
If GXCC is operated on a workstation by multiple users simultaneously, activation of a new
version concerns all users. The update/revert tool offers assistance to facilitate coordi-
nation and communication between the users.
Only one revision of GXCC/XTCC can be run on a computer (ISP/workstation).
A corresponding tool with the same user interface is also offered for XTCC.
Within a product line (CentricStor V2.x or CentricStor V3.x) there are no restrictions
regarding the compatibility of different GXCC and XTCC versions. Even if a workstation
is to operate with older CentricStor versions you can upgrade the GXCC/XTCC
software to the latest version.
The graphical user interfaces of CentricStor V2.x and V3.x are separate software lines.
They can thus be operated independently of each other on the workstation. Updates
only affect the particular line which is being used. It is not possible to upgrade GXTCC
(CentricStor V2.xx) to GXCC (CentricStor V3.xx).