U41117-J-Z125-7-76 339
XTCC Function bar Settings
Opens a submenu containing the following setting options and buttons:
Autoscan Delay [s]
This scale allows you to determine the interval currently set. If “Manual Adjusting” is
selected, this value can be changed.
Self Adjusting (S) The Autoscan delay is determined automatically and displayed in
the status bar in the format S<value>s.
Manual Adjusting (M)
The Autoscan delay is set manually and displayed in the status bar
in the format M<value>s
Scale Range
If “Manual Adjusting” is selected, the scale range for the slider control can be modified.
The settings 5...55, 60...540 and 600...3600 seconds are possible. Within these ranges
the resolution is 5, 30 or 300 seconds.
Scan on function completion
Enable Permits an additional scan cycle immediately after functions which
result in a change to the object status (e.g. Start/Stop) have been
terminated. This scan cycle is also executed in the event of an
Autoscan process being stopped manually.
Disable Prevents the additional scan cycle.