
284 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
History data Global Status
When you select all data PVGs the following overview is displayed:
Meaning of the columns:
pos Line number
PVG Name of the physical volume group
Type Type of PV group (stacked, transfer, vault or cleaning)
PVs Total number of physical volumes in the group
scratch Number of empty PVs
LVs Number of logical volumes stored in this group
TL Name of the archive to which this group is assigned
jobs (wait-work) Number of jobs in the queue - number of active jobs
Reorg. (PV) Number of PV(s) which are being reorganized
When you select all cleaning PVGs the following overview is displayed:
Meaning of the columns:
pos Line number
PVG The name of the PVG.
Type Always clean.
PVs The number of PVs.