
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 343
XTCC Function bar Compare Local Files
Starts a graphical tool which enables two local text files to be compared. The two files are
displayed in synchronized text windows. Differences are marked in color, and the number
of differences is entered in the status line at the bottom right. By selecting “View / Show Line
Comparison Window” in the diff tool menu, differences within individual lines can be made
The menu item “Compare Local Files” is available in Service and User mode only.
In User mode, “View Only” mode is preset. As a result the Edit, Write, Merge and Save
functions are disabled.
The diff tool has its own help function. XTCC Update/Revert
The use of this tool is described in the section “GXCC Update/Revert Tool” on page 159.
Please note the following points:
The update of GXCC is started from within GXCC independently of the XTCC update.
When XTCC is updated, all XTCC and GXCC applications of the computer on which
GXCC/XTCC is running must be closed.
There are no restrictions regarding the compatibility of different GXCC and XTCC
versions within a product line (CentricStor V2.x or CentricStor V3.x). Even if a
workstation is to interwork with older CentricStor versions the GXCC/XTCC software
can be updated to the latest level. GXTCC (CentricStor V2.x) cannot be upgraded to
GXCC (CentricStor V3.x) using the update tool.