U41117-J-Z125-7-76 417
XTCC PLS (Physical Library Service)
8.19 PLS (Physical Library Service)
8.19.1 Object information on the PLS
Each physical library is assigned at least one PLS (Physical Library Server).
The PLS of a SCSI-controlled archive must run on the ISP that contains the associated
SCSI controller. The easiest way of identifying the location of a PLS is to use the Global
Status Monitor. By resting the mouse pointer on a PLS symbol, you can open an information
box which among other things specifies the associated ISP.
As in XTCC, the status of the PLS is indicated by the colors pink (stopped), green (running),
and green/brown (running with the trace switched on). In the event of an error, this is
indicated by means of a red triangle.
The example below shows the object information of an archive controlled via SCSI (left), via
LAN (center), and a CASHION archive controlled via serial interface (right):
The following information is displayed:
Name Name assigned during configuration and displayed in the PLS symbol.
Type Type of access system (SCSI, STKCSC, STLACI, CASHION or LMF).
Address SCSI address (controller, target, LUN) or SINIX name of the access system.
Accessor Internal device name of the library (device node with SCSI, otherwise IP
address or server name).
Error Only in the event of an error. Message indicating the cause of the error.
Autostart Enabled / disabled.
8.19.2 Functions for individual PLSs
There are no PLS functions available in Observe and User mode.
8.19.3 Functions for all PLSs
No functions for all PLSs are available.
SCSI archive: STK archive: CASHION archive: