490 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Message lines Explanation of console messages FibreCAT CX500 and CX3-20 messages
SXRD501 RAID: NOTICE <raid-id> Hard SCSI Error recovered (<#501>) c<ctrl>t<tgt>l<lun>
<raid-id> ID of the FibreCAT (target # of the two RAID controllers)
c<ctrl>t<tgt>l<lun> Path via which the message was transferred
(ctrl = controller#, tgt = target#, lun = logical device)
Access via the specified path is possible again (positive message, cf. SXRD901).
SXRD901 RAID: ALERT <raid-id> Hard SCSI Error (<#901>) c<ctrl>t<tgt>l<lun>
<raid-id> ID of the FibreCAT (target # of the two RAID controllers)
c<ctrl>t<tgt>l<lun> Path via which the message was transferred
(ctrl = controller#, tgt = target#, lun = logical device)
An error occurred while accessing the specified path. This can be the result of a defective
controller in theFibreCAT, an error in the FC switch or a defective cable.
Notify maintenance staff.