U41117-J-Z125-7-76 347
XTCC Function bar
Notes on operating
– You use the two scroll bars for positioning in the list box.
– Double-clicking on an entry with the left mouse button transfers this to the entry field.
– Simultaneously pressing the Ctrl+o keys enables the content of the list box to be sorted
in ascending or descending order.
– Search function:
After you have entered a search string in the entry field, pressing the return key displays
the next hit.
The following characters have a special meaning here:
? Detection of an individual arbitrary character
* Detection of no or multiple arbitrary characters
[abc] Detection of a character from the group “abc”
[a-z] Detection of a character from the range “a-z”
\c Detection of the special character “c”
If the entry field is empty you can press the return key to go to the next entry.
If you close XTCC by selecting “File“ ➟ “Exit”, the current profile file will be saved with the
current settings. If this is not desired, you should use the button in the top left-hand corner
of your screen instead.
If XTCC cannot find any profile file for the user and ISP on startup, the settings of the initi-
ating GXCC application will be adopted.