U41117-J-Z125-7-76 183
GXCC Function bar
“DELETE” button:
Appears only if a line is selected and the selected PVG has not yet been made known
to the system. This is typically the case if you have just created a PVG and have not yet
selected “Distribute and Activate”. Not to be confused with the “Delete PVGs” function
(see below: “Entry area” ➟ “To Be Deleted”).
Deletes the selected PVG.
A PVG entry can only be removed with “DELETE” if the configuration has not yet been
activated with “Distribute and Activate”. “DELETE” is consequently not offered for
groups that have been activated in the system, but “To Be Deleted” instead (an expla-
nation is provided below).
Entry area
To Be Deleted
You use this button to change the setting of “NO” (= default = PVG is not to be deleted)
to “YES” (= PVG is to be deleted). This enables a PVG to be deleted which has already
been made known to the system with “Distribute and Activate”.
To permit this function to be used a few conditions must be met:
– The PVG concerned may not be linked to any LVG.
– No PVs may be contained in the PVG.
– The PLM must be running.
If one of these conditions is not satisfied the request to delete the PVG is
rejected with a corresponding error message.
These conditions are checked twice, once when you click on “OK” in this
window and once when “Distribute and Activate” is used. In both cases the
action is rejected if appropriate.
The BASE PVG cannot be removed.
Name of the PVG. The data of the PVG is kept under this name in CentricStor. The PVG
is defined by entering a name. The name contains a maximum of 6 characters (only
letters, numbers and “_”). This field can only be modified until the PVG has been
activated using “Distribute and Activate”. As the name change is implemented by
means of a restart there is no assignment of <old name> <-> <new name> and the data
saved under the old name would no longer be accessible.
In principle the name is freely selectable. However, to prevent confusion with a clean
PVG the name should not begin with “CLNP”.
Freely selectable text, up to 50 characters long. The following special characters are not
permitted: ',:$"{}.