U41117-J-Z125-7-76 479
Explanation of console messages Message lines
SXPL048 PLM(#48): NOTICE: <num> cleancycles for tape-library <name> available again
PLM(#45) has been correctly responded to?
SXPL049 PLM(#49): WARNING: ejected PV <name> of tapelibrary <name> is needed for
restore !
The PV of a vault group has been removed from the robot, but is now required for a restore
The PV must be imported.
SXPL050 PLM(#50): NOTICE: PV <name> of tapelibrary <name> is ready for eject !
Information that this PV of a vault group can be removed from the robot.
SXPL051 PLM(#51): ERROR: <pds> reports errno = <num> ( <string> ) on PV <name>
The PDS has detected an error.
Check PDS.
SXPL053 PLM(#53): NOTICE: writing of directory failed for PV <name> on PDS <name> !
Error when writing the tape directory. Possible causes: No space available on the tape or
tape damaged. This is normally not a problem; only in the event of a disaster recovery does
the time for reading in the physical volume increase.
Check whether the PV is defective.
SXPL054 PLM(#54): WARNING: PV <name> of tapelibrary <name> is inaccessible !
The PLM does not have access to the physical volume. Further VLM restore requests for
logical volumes on this physical volume are rejected with PLM_RELV_PVAC_ERR.
Check the robot for why the access failed.
SXPL055 PLM(#55): WARNING: Capacity of PV <PV-name> is too small for PVG <PVG-name>;
PV-file will be removed!
The capacity of the cartridge which was reported during initialization is not sufficient. It must
be at least twice as large as the largest LV that is to be saved in this group.