228 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Function bar GXCC Physical Volume Operations » Reorganize Physical Volumes
This function is not available in Observe mode.
It allows you to manually copy the contents of a physical volume to one or more volumes in
the same physical group or to interrupt such a reorganization.
After reorganization, the physical volume is empty. It is then usually available for subse-
quent writing by the PLM. However, it also possible to delete this empty physical volume
(see the section “Logical Volume Operations » Erase Logical Volumes” on page 213).
You enter the group and name of the physical volume in the window. The complete name
must be entered without wildcards.
If you have to stop an initiated reorganization run, you must also click the “Cancel Reorga-
nization” button.
Unlike automatic reorganization, the copy operation is continued even if a non-
skippable read error has occurred. Consequently this function can be used to
retrieve the greatest possible amount of data from logical volumes on a damaged
Buttons along the bottom border
After the name has been checked the reorganization run is included in the relevant
queues or the reorganization of the specified volume is terminated.
The window is closed without any further activity.