
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 151
GXCC Function bar
Customer Name
This field contains a customer name that is a maximum of 60 characters long and which
can be edited in User or Service mode. Special characters " \ $ [ ] ' will be replaced by
underscores “_”. Each time a change is made to the string and the OK button is clicked,
the information is saved on the monitored system.
If this field is deleted GXCC uses a default name which depends on the system type.
In Simulation mode this field is called “Data from file” and is used to display path and
file names of the current configuration file.
Service Level
This is a field that is reserved for the purpose of authorizing the use of special functions
that are not described here.
Buttons at the bottom of the screen
OK Saves the settings. The window is closed.
Help Opens a text window with help information. Any changes to the language setting
will not come into effect until you press “OK”.
Cancel Closes the window without saving any changes made. Show Current Aspect
Displays the current aspect values, the window size, and the distance from the left-hand
and top screen edges.