34 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Software architecture CentricStor - Virtual Tape Library
VLM (Virtual Library Manager)
Each robot job from the requesting host system is registered in the VLM. To support the
libraries, corresponding emulations (VLMF, VAMU, VACS, VDAS, VJUK) are used in
The TVC is administered exclusively by the VLM.
The VLM data maintenance contains the names of the logical volumes with which the TVC
is to work.
PLM (Physical Library Manager)
The PLM coordinates all jobs issued to the connected peripherals (robot drives). The PLM’s
data maintenance facility stores information about where and on which physical volume
each logical volume is stored.
VLS (Virtual Library Service)
There may be various different instances of the VLS, depending on the type and number of
connected host systems:
PLS (Physical Library Service)
The PLS is the link between CentricStor and the robot archive. Jobs to the robots, e.g.
moving a tape cartridge in the robot archive, are issued at the behest of the PLM.
Host connection Instance Library
BS2000/OSD, z/OS and OS/390 VAMU ADIC
Open Systems Server (UNIX, Windows) VDAS
CSC Clients of BS2000/OSD VACS StorageTek
Open Systems Server (UNIX, Windows) with ACSLS
LIB/SP Clients from Fujitsu VLMF Fujitsu
Open Systems Clients, UNIX and Windows VJUK SCSI