392 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Virtual 3490 drives XTCC
The display can contain one of the following messages:
When a logical volume is loaded, the third line specifies which cache contains the
associated data. Error conditions indicated on the display
Display 0 Display 1 Description
CU READY -- CU ready but path not yet connected.
CU ONL -- CU ready, path connected.
EMU STOP NORMAL Emulation stopped: normal end.
Display 1 Display 2 Meaning
EMU STOP ERR #001 BAD_IAT (address conflict between the emulation and the EXA
EMU STOP ERR #002 pcib open failed (no connection to the channel)
EMU STOP ERR #003 Index already exists (overlap in the kernel buffer address)
EMU STOP ERR #004 SIGSET for pcib
EMU STOP ERR #005 Device type not supported
EMU STOP ERR #006 Endless loop child (hard software error)
EMU STOP ERR #011 SIGBUS,-FPE,-SEGV (code overwritten)
EMU STOP ERR #013 Library init wrong
EMU STOP ERR #022 REG_EV (channel driver closed the connection to the
EMU STOP ERR #030 VT_LS open error (initialization error)
EMU STOP ERR #031 VT_LS mount error
EMU STOP ERR #032 VT_LS Library Manager error
EMU STOP ERR #045 KBUF inconsistency (buffer inconsistency between the channel
and the emulation)
EMU STOP ERR #09 Test stop (trap)