U41117-J-Z125-7-76 481
Explanation of console messages Message lines
SXPL062 PLM(#62): ERROR: LV <name> can not be reorganized, reason: <reason>. It was set
to inaccessible at the PLM.
The PLM attempts to reorganize an LV. This LV is unknown to the VLM or in the “faulty” sta-
tus and can therefore not be read in. To prevent reorganization from being obstructed, the
PLM sets this LV to “inaccessible”.
The following two cases must be distinguished:
– LV is not known to the VLM:
When the LV is no longer required, add it again and then delete it. If it has been deleted
by mistake, add it again as “migrated” and reset the LV to “accessible” on the PLM (in
the case of dual save this must be done in both groups).
– LV is in the “faulty” status for the VLM:
This can occur in the case of RAID access errors. Reset the status of the LV on the VLM
and set the LV to “accessible” again on the PLM (in the case of dual save this must be
done in both groups).
SXPL063 PLM(#63): ERROR: Invalid PV-file '<name>' of TL <name> was moved to the
An error was detected when the PV file was analyzed. In order not to disturb operations, the
PV has been moved to the error directory. It cannot be accessed, neither can any logical
volumes stored on it.
The PV file must be analyzed. Notify maintenance staff.
SXPL996 PLM 996 NOTICE "Stop for Maintenance."
The PLM was stopped via a menu of the graphical user interface.
SXPL997 PLM 997 NOTICE "Automatically restarted after %d tries."
The PLM was automatically restarted after %d attempts.
SXPL998 PLM 998 NOTICE "Automatically restarted."
The PLM was automatically restarted.
SXPL999 PLM 999 ALERT "Auto restart %d times failed. Intervention required."
The PLM could not be restarted even after %d attempts. Manual intervention is required.