162 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Function bar GXCC
A monitor program keeps track of all the GXCCs and their ramifications. It initiates the termi-
nation of subapplications and brings it to your attention if other users are also using GXCC.
The lower half of the screen contains the output area “Dialog”, which displays the update
status and context-sensitive instructions, and an input area for messages to other GXCC
Different text colors indicate different types of text:
Black General text, instructions
Green Positive acknowledgment
Red Important text, error message, response required
Blue Messages of participating components
The buttons arranged along the lower border allow you to influence the update operation
and control communication with other users.
Abort Cancels the update/revert operation. Closes the window.
Request Sends a message to all active GXCC/XTCC applications.
As the following example shows, the message consists of a line with the date
and time, the text entered in the “Additional Request Message” field and a text
relating to the action planned.
If the applications are not closed, the following options are available to you:
Abort Aborts the operation and closes the update tool.
Kill Closes the applications and the update tool.
Kill Terminates all the active GXCC/XTCC applications. This button is only enabled
when an update/revert operation has been stopped because other
GXCC/XTCC applications are active. “Kill” also terminates the GXCC appli-
cation from which the update tool was called.
The function should only be used when, in the event of an update/revert
operation, other GXCC/XTCC users do not respond to the message
distributed with Request within an appropriate period of time.
Ignore Skips the application test. This button is only enabled if the central monitor that
checks for active GXCC/XTCC applications is not working. It is advisable before
clicking this button to ensure that there are no GXCC/XTCC applications
Entered text or “Request from another user:”
Text dependent on the button clicked