536 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Message lines Explanation of console messages
SXVW073 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#073) AutoVLP-Failover: VLPwatch on <isp_name> is running,
communication to <isp_name> is defective (internal LAN or Broker on <isp_name>
VLPwatch on the SVLP is running, but communication to the SVLP via the Broker has been
interrupted. The Broker on the SVLP is not running or the internal LAN on the SVLP is in-
Determine the Broker status and the internal LAN status on the SVLP. Rectify the LAN or
Broker problems.
SXVW074 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#074) AutoVLP-Failover: Communication to <isp_name> is
functional again!
SXVW098 VLPWATCH: WARNING: VW(#098) AutoVLP-Failover: VLPwatch is configured, but not
The function is configured and has not yet been activated or has been deactivated manually
via the interface or has been deactivated implicitly by vtcon stop.
The function must be activated via the GXCC interface (switch ON AutoVLP failover).
SXVW099 VLPWATCH: WARNING: VW(#099) AutoVLP-Failover: VLPwatch is configured, but not
SXVW099 VLPWATCH: WARNING: VW(#099) AutoVLP-Failover: VLPwatch must be deconfigured and
configured again!
The function is still configured, but the initialization no longer exists. This is a possible con-
sequence of manual interventions or of implicit deactivation via vtcon stop.
The function must be deconfigured via the interface (GXCC) with distribution to the entire
CentricStor system. If you require the function to be activated again, it must be configured
and distributed again.