U41117-J-Z125-7-76 533
Explanation of console messages Message lines
SXVW058 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#058) AutoVLP-Failover: LAN_1 connection is DOWN on SVLP;
Failover not functional!
The SVLP has no connection to the external LAN. The AutoVLP failover function is not wor-
Investigate and correct the LAN connection problem.
SXVW059 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#059) AutoVLP-Failover: FC connection to RA ID is DOWN on
SVLP; Failover not functional
The SVLP has no connection to the RAID and a switchover is not possible! The AutoVLP
failover function is not working.
Investigate and correct the FC connection problem to the RAID.
SXVW060 VLPWATCH: NOTICE: VW(#060) AutoVLP-Failover: LAN_0 connection is UP on SVLP
The SVLP has a connection to the internal LAN again. The AutoVLP failover function is
once more fully operational.
SXVW061 VLPWATCH: NOTICE: VW(#061) AutoVLP-Failover: LAN_1 connection is UP on SVLP
The SVLP has a connection to the external LAN again. The AutoVLP failover function is
once more fully operational.
SXVW062 VLPWATCH: NOTICE: VW(#062) AutoVLP-Failover: FC connection to RAID is UP on SVLP
The FC connection SVLP/RAID is OK again. The AutoVLP failover function is once more
fully operational.
SXVW063 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#063) AutoVLP-Failover: one mirror-side is not accessible
and SVLP is not alive; shutdown!
A mirror side failed 2 minutes ago and the SVLP has given no sign of life. It is not possible
to determine without doubt that the SVLP is running. It is therefore assumed that a split-
brain situation exists. The VLP master shuts itself down. This ensures that at most one VLP
master is active in the CentricStor system.
Check the status of the ISPs of the type VLP (VLP and SVLP), check the LAN connections,
and also the RAID status and the connections. Clear any connection problems step by step
and reboot the failed VLP master.