U41117-J-Z125-7-76 535
Explanation of console messages Message lines
SXVW068 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#068) AutoVLP-Failover: internal or external LAN connection
is not configured!
The internal or external LAN connection is broken. The function cannot work properly.
Check the LAN connection and make sure it works correctly.
SXVW069 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#069) -Failover: shutdown, because an error occurred!
As a consequence of previous messages the is system shut down (power off).
Reboot the ISP. If the problems that caused the shutdown are still present they must be
analyzed and fixed.
SXVW070 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#070) AutoVLP-Failover: communication sector could not be
The function’s communication sectors have been destroyed.
The function must be deconfigured and, once this has been done, configured again. If
problems should occur when the configuration is changed, the function must be stopped
and the maintenance staff must delete the communication sectors manually.
SXVW071 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#071) AutoVLP-Failover: LAN0 is down - switch not useful
The SVLP_to_VLP switch is necessary, but it is not executed on account of a defective in-
ternal LAN connection on the SVLP.
Repair the internal LAN connection on the SVLP, check and activate the failed VLP.
SXVW072 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#072) AutoVLP-Failover: LAN1 is down - switch not useful
The SVLP_to_VLP switch is necessary, but it is not executed on account of a defective ex-
ternal LAN connection on the SVLP.
Repair the external LAN connection on the SVLP, check and activate the failed VLP.