U41117-J-Z125-7-76 525
Explanation of console messages Message lines
Rectify the LAN connection problems and reboot the ISP.
SXVW012 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#012) AutoVLP-Failover: FC connection to RAID is DOWN;
There is no connection to the 1st RAID system. A shutdown with Power OFF was performed
for the ISP.
Rectify the RAID problems and reboot the ISP.
SXVW013 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#013) AutoVLP-Failover: SVLP (<isp_name>) is alive;
VLPwatch on <isp_name> not running!
The VLP has detected that the SVLP can be reached via the LAN, but the VLPwatch
daemon for the AutoVLP failover function is not running on the SVLP.
The function must be stopped manually via the interface (as of V3.0) and then restarted.
SXVW014 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#014) AutoVLP-Failover: VLP (<isp_name>) is alive; VLPwatch
on <isp_name> not running!
The SVLP has detected that the VLP can be reached via the LAN, but the VLPwatch
daemon for the AutoVLP failover function is not running on the VLP.
The function must be stopped manually via the interface (as of V3.0) and then restarted.
SXVW015 VLPWATCH: NOTICE: VW(#015) AutoVLP-Failover: Raid currently not available!")
The RAID is not available in the boot phase. Access to RAID is not yet possible. This occurs,
for example, when the entire CS system starts up again after a power failure. Access is
constantly repeated (timeout=30 minutes!).
Check whether RAID is activated. If the message keeps appearing on the console (>10
MAL), abort the boot and examine why RAID access is not possible.
SXVW016 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#016) AutoVLP-Failover: switch SVLP to VLP failed!
The switchover of the SVLP to a VLP was aborted. The requirements were not met!