418 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
SCSI archive systems XTCC
8.20 SCSI archive systems
8.20.1 Object information on archive systems
Archives with a SCSI-controlled access system can be operated in the ISP via the XTCC
instance containing the associated PLS.
A lighter-colored image of the archive system is shown behind the drive(s) belonging to the
archive. All associated drives are also enclosed in a light gray shadow frame, which is
intended to represent the archive system.
The following detailed information is displayed:
Vendor ID Vendor identifier
Product ID Product identifier
Product Rev. Product revision level
Accessor Type Type of access system
Accessor Model Model
Accessor Status Status
Controller SCSI controller
Target SCSI target
Logical Unit SCSI LUN
Switch: Local Domain x, Port y This information is displayed for archives with the target
numbers 128…2047. The local domain is in the value
range 1...8. In the case of FC switches with more than
16 ports, it can differ from the “Domain” displayed in
GXCC as follows:
GXCC Domain = 1 2 ... 7 8 9 10 11 etc.
XTCC Local Domain = 1 2 ... 7 8 1 2 3 etc.
The statuses of all libraries, including the LAN-controlled ones, are shown on the
right-hand side of the window (Physical Components) of the “Global Status”.