346 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Function bar XTCC Select
Allows you to create and select user-specific subdirectories in the temporary XTCC
directory. All option settings are then stored in unit-specific files in these subdirectories.
The name of the subdirectory is formed from the profile name and the extension .prf. The
“Profile Select” function opens a window consisting of a list box, an input field, and various
The list box contains the profile names already defined. To select an entry and transfer it to
the input line, you simply left-click on the appropriate list item.
If special characters (/ \ [ ] “ ' $ * : ? < > |) are used when entering a profile name, these are
replaced by underscores.
Meaning of the buttons
OK Creates a new directory with the name specified in the input field (provided
this directory does not already exist) and closes the window.
Add Creates a new directory.
Remove Deletes the selected directory and all its contents.
Help Displays the XTCC help file.
Cancel Closes the window without saving your selection.