U41117-J-Z125-7-76 507
Explanation of console messages Message lines
Notify maintenance staff.
SXSM054 sma#: CPU <Id> automatically throttled
The CPU performance has been reduced because the CPU temperature was high. This is
designed to prevent the CPU from becoming any hotter and entering the critical tempera-
ture range.
The increase in the CPU temperature can, for example, be caused by a fan which is no lon-
ger fully operational (e.g. if a fan prefailure has occurred).
Notify maintenance staff.
SXSM055 sma#: Fan <Id> is not installed
Fan <Id> is not installed or has failed. If the fan concerned is inoperable for more than 3
minutes, the SINIX system is shut down and the server is switched off to prevent the server
from becoming too hot.
Notify maintenance staff.
SXSM056 sma#: Memory automatically throttled; Module# = <Id>
The memory performance performance has been reduced because the temperature in me-
mory module <Id> was high. This is designed to prevent the memory module from beco-
ming any hotter and entering the critical temperature range.
The increase in the memory temperature can, for example, be caused by a fan which is no
longer fully operational (e.g. if a fan prefailure has occurred).
Check the ambient temperature and the fan situation Notify maintenance staff if required.
SXSM057 sma#: Memory device critical overtemperature; Module# = <Id>
Excessive temperatures were detected in memory module <Id>.
The increase in the memory temperature can, for example, be caused by a fan which is no
longer fully operational (e.g. if a fan prefailure has occurred).