626 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
TVC Tape Volume Cache File system on RAID system(s) which con-
tain(s) the LVs in the form of files. The ISPs
access different LVs at the same time.
UFS Unix File System
UPS Uninterruptable Power
VACS Virtual ACSLS Emulates an ACSLS to the host.
VAMU Virtual AML
Management Unit
Emulates an AMU to the host.
VD Virtual Drive
VDAS Virtual DAS Emulates an AMU to the host.
VDRV Virtual Disk Driver The driver controls data transfer from and to
the virtual disks of the RAID system with stri-
ping, loadsharing and failover.
VJUK Virtual Jukebox Emulated jukebox
VLM Virtual Library Manager Manages the logical components in the
VLP Virtual Library
PC on which the VT_LS services (VLM, VLS,
PLM, PLS) are running
VLS Virtual Library Server Emulates different library interfaces, e.g. VA-
VMD Virtual Mount Daemon In each ICP. Forwards the VLM’s mount com-
mands to the virtual devices.
VOLSER Volume Serial Number Name of a volume
VSN Volume Serial Number Name of a volume or a medium
VT_LS Virtual Tape und Library
Alias for CentricStor
VTA Virtual Tape Appliance Designation for the large CentricStor models
VTC Virtual Tape Controller Designation for the smallest CentricStor mo-
VTD Virtual Tape Device Type of tape drive emulation for Open System
XTCC Extented Tape Control
Graphical interface for an ISP.
Abbreviation Long form Explanation