46 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Standard system functions CentricStor - Virtual Tape Library Vault attribute and vault status
The vault attribute is assigned to a physical volume group (PVG) by means of the GXCC
function Configuration ➟ Physical Volume Groups in the Type entry field (see page 187). The
associated tape cartridges (PVs) can be placed in vault status using the following com-
plmcmd conf -E -V <PV> -G <PVG>
They are then locked for all read and write operations until vault status is cancelled again
using the following command:
plmcmd conf -I -V <PV> -G <PVG>
While vault status is set, the tape cartridges can be removed from the tape library and
stored at a safe location (hence the status name vault). However, like all the logical volumes
contained on them, they are still administered by CentricStor.
An attempt to read from a tape cartridge which is in vault status is responded to with the
system message SXPL049 (see page 88). When a logical volume (LV) of such a tape cart-
ridge is saved again by a host application, a different tape cartridge is used and the old LV
on the vault tape cartridge is flagged as invalid. Tape cartridges in vault status are also ex-
cluded from reorganization (see section “Reorganization” on page 73). Transfer PVG
A so-called transfer PVG and a transfer LVG which is linked to this are permanently installed
in CentricStor for this export/import function. The logical or physical columes which are to
be exported or imported are temporarily added to these volume groups.
The LVs to be exported are also copied to tape cartridges of the transfer PVG. The original
LVs continue to belong to their former LVG. Their backup to tape cartridges of the PVG as-
signed to this LVG and access by the host applications are not affected by the export.
The system administrator alone is reponsible for controlling the copy operation for the LVs
concerned and for synchronizing this operation with their use by the host applications. Cen-
tricStor keeps no management data for these copy operations and does not know whether
or not an LV was exported via a transfer PVG.
When the required LVs have been copied, the tape cartridges can be removed from the
transfer PVG and transported to another CentricStor system. There the tape cartridges are
added to the transfer PVG and the LVs contained on them are read in. To do this it is ne-
cessary that all these LVs should already exist and be assigned to a normal LVG.
Further information on the export/import function via transfer PVG is provided in section
“Transferring volumes” on page 562.