88 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Technical design Operating and monitoring CentricStor
The table below lists the control components:
GXCC/XTCC can also run on SINIX-Z/Solaris/LINUX/Windows systems which are
independent of CentricStor. In this case, GXCC connects via the LAN to the RequestBroker
of the ISP referenced in the unit selection, exchanges information with it and, on the basis
of this information, builds the graphical display.
GXCC/XTCC also covers the CentricStor components that can only be monitored via
SNMP, such as the Fibre Channel switches. During configuration, you define the ISPs in
which the management station is to be started. In addition, an SNMP agent can be installed
in CentricStor that permits CentricStor to be monitored by an SNMP management station.
Name Function Comment
LD Logical Device: emulation of a drive. Must run on the ISP in which the
associated host interface (ESCON/
FICON/FC) is installed (ICP).
MSGMGR Message Manager: filters and stores
system messages. Triggers actions in
response to certain situations (e.g.
SNMP traps).
Only one instance throughout
PDS Physical Device Service: drives one
physical tape drive.
Must run on the ISP in which the
associated SCSI interface is installed
PERFLOG Performance Logging: captures and
stores performance-related system
Only one instance throughout
PLM Physical Library Manager: manages
the physical CentricStor components.
Only one instance throughout
PLS Physical Library Service: drives a real
robot archive.
In the case of SCSI-controlled robots,
must be installed on the same ISP as
the associated SCSI interface.
VLM Virtual Library Manager: manages
the CentricStor virtual libraries.
One instance throughout
CentricStor, installed in the same ISP
as the PLM (VLP).
VLS Virtual Library Service VDAS, VACS and VLMF are each
provided once in CentricStor, VAMU
10 times, and VJUK 20 times.
VMD Virtual Mount Daemon In each ICP.