552 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Integration of CentricStor V3.1 in SNMP Appendix Monitoring of CentricStor V2/V3.0 and V3.1
If an SNMP Management Station is required to monitor a CentricStor V3.1 and a
CentricStor V2/V3.0 simultaneously, the following applies:
On the Management Station the GUI CD of CentricStor V3.1 is read in as described here.
The V3.1 systems can be monitored as described. As the V2/V3.0 systems have different
object IDs (this includes the sysobjectID, too) and the format of the traps is changed, the
appearance differs between CentricStor V3.1 and older systems, but monitoring of both
systems is possible. You are referred here to the documentation for V2/V3.0. However, the
global state concentrator is not available in V2/V3.0. GXCC is always called with the popup
menu which serves and monitors CentricStor V2/V3.0, too. Only new V3.1 options of GXCC
lead to an error message.
CentricStor V2/V3.0 and V3.1 can thus be monitored by the same Management Station with
minor restrictions for GXCC handling of CentricStor V2/V3.0. If you do not want this,
GXTCC (for CentricStor V2/V3.0) can be installed parallel to GXCC (for CentricStor V3.1)
and can be called manually.
12.1.4 Installation on the Management Station CA Unicenter
A system on which the CA Unicenter and GXCC run is required as the base system. A
Windows-2000 system has been tested and is recommended. Reading in the GUI CD
First GXCC and XTCC together withTcl/Tk must be installed from the GUI CD (as described
in the section “GXCC as a monitoring tool without SNMP” on page 549).
After this you should attempt to call GXCC and to set up a connection to a CentricStor. If
this works, then the GXCC has been correctly installed and the LAN connection to the
CentricStor is working.