U41117-J-Z125-7-76 149
GXCC Function bar
Buttons at the bottom of the screen
OK Establishes a connection to the ISP selected in the lise. If the unit address was
only entered in the entry field, it will not be incorporated in the list.
Add Adds the entered unit data to the list.
Remove Removes the selected entry from the list.
Replace Replaces the selected entry in the list.
Help Opens a text window which contains Help information.
Cancel Has two different effects depending on the context:
– If there is no connection to an ISP, it closes GXCC.
– If a connection exists, i.e. the menu was simply called to edit or check the
address list, it closes the window.
Any changes to the unit list which were confirmed using “Add” or “Remove” will
remain effective even after you click “Cancel”.
The Return key does not work in this dialog box. However, you can select a unit by double-
clicking the relevant line.
The name and position of the unit file are displayed above the row of command
buttons. If you take this file from another GXCC unit, copy its unit list.
Establishing a connection after clicking on OK
1. A check is carried out to establish whether or not the desired unit is accessible. If it is
not, an existing connection will be retained and, once the error message has been
acknowledged, the “Unit Select” menu is displayed again.
2. If the unit is accessible, an existing unit connection will be closed.
3. When the connection has been established, a check is carried out to determine whether
the addressed unit is an element of a CentricStor network. If it is not, an error message
will be output and, once acknowledged, the “Unit Select” menu is displayed again.
4. A check is carried out to see whether the addressed CentricStor has the software
license for a connection to an external GXCC. If it does not, an error message will be
output. Once this message has been acknowledged, the Unit Select menu will be
displayed again.
As soon as a connection has been established with any ISP in a CentricStor network, the
GXCC has access to all CentricStor elements via the request broker.
If the “Unit Select” menu is closed with “Cancel” while a connection is open, this connection
will remain in place.
If it is closed with “Cancel” while there is no unit connection, GXCC will be shut down.