516 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Message lines Explanation of console messages
SXTF011 DTV_FSCK(dev=<maj,min>): <message> ...<message>
Normal output of the implicit file system check carried out when mounting a DTV file
9.2.24 SXVD... (Distributed Tape Volume Driver)
SXVD001 vdrv<n> (FAILOVER): switch ...
See the section “Failure of RAID systems” on page 540 and the section “Failover at the
RAID system” on page 541.
SXVD002 vdrv<n> (FAILOVER): Error exit 0130002A E54EC000
See the section “Failure of RAID systems” on page 540.
SXVD003 vdrv<n> (MULTIPATH): switch 0:<n-2>->1:<n-1>
SXVD003 vdrv<n> (MULTIPATH): switch 1:<n-1>->0:<n-2>
The path between the PC and the FC switch was switched over to a redundant (fallback)
path. This was due to disruption of the connection between the PC and the FC switch
caused, for example, by a controller failure (in the PC), GBIC failure, cabling problems, or
incorrectly identified topology.
Notify maintenance staff.
SXVD004 vdrv<n> (FAILOVER): int switching
See the section “Failover at the RAID system” on page 541