U41117-J-Z125-7-76 189
GXCC Function bar
If the configuration data is correct, a security query is displayed. When you
acknowledge this, “Distribute and Activate” is executed. The new configuration data is
distributed to all ISPs. Depending on the type of change CentricStor processes are
stopped and restarted. The connection to the InfoBroker is retained. If the configuration
of the FC boards of an ISP has been changed, this ISP is rebooted.
Closes the message window. “Distribute and Activate” is not executed.
If a configuration change which has not yet been distributed in the system exists when
this function is called (displayed by the diskette icon at the top right in the GXCC), the
difference between the configuration which has not yet been distributed and the current
configuration (vtls.conf) is output. If there is no change, the difference between the cur-
rent configuration (vtls.conf) and the last configuration (vtls.conf.bak) is always output.
Only the changes in the configuration are output via the preview function, not
the action delta. This means that other processes may well be started in the
event of Distribute and Activate although they in no way result in any change to
the configuration and are not displayed via Preview. This is always the case
when processes were not running before or during Distribute and Activate (be-
cause they had been stopped).
Opens a text window containing help information.
Functions triggered by “OK”
Because of the restart the configuration data in all ISPs is set up in accordance with the
new status and evaluated by the individual processors. The software licenses present in the
VLP are distributed to all ISPs. Thus the key disks need only be installed in the VLP. The
license for 64 virtual devices/ISP is needed for configuration. If you do not want to install the
key in the ICPs you can initially only integrate 32 devices and then configure further devices
after the first “Distribute and Activate” operation.
This concludes the configuration change. The floppy disk symbol in the main window is now
no longer visible and there is no longer an item marked in the Configuration menu.
After contact is reestablished with CentricStor, the configuration must be checked, in
particular to ascertain that all the components have started up again. If this is not the case,
the log files have to be checked for messages. These messages ought to indicate errors in
the configuration file. The errors must be corrected.