
Item Sub-item Options Description
COPIES Specifies the number of copies of the job
to print. The default is 1.
For the ALL JOBS (NO PIN) and ALL
JOBS (WITH PIN) menus, two more
options are available:
If you select the JOB option, the
number of copies specified in the
driver are printed.
If you select the CUSTOM VALUE
menu, another setting displays
where you can specify the number
of copies of the job to be printed.
The number of copies that were
specified in the driver are multiplied
by the number of copies specified
on the control panel. For example, if
you specified two copies in the
driver and specify two copies on the
control panel, a total of four copies
of the job are printed.
COPIES This menu displays if you have
connected a USB storage accessory to
the front of the product. Select the folder
and the name of the file, and then select
the number of copies to print.
Information menu
Use the INFORMATION menu to access and print specific product information.
To display: Press the Menu button
, and then select the INFORMATION menu.
Item Description
PRINT MENU MAP Prints the control-panel menu map, which shows the layout and current
settings of the control-panel menu items.
PRINT CONFIGURATION Prints the product configuration pages, which show the printer settings and
installed accessories.
PRINT SUPPLIES STATUS PAGE Prints the approximate remaining life for the supplies; reports statistics on
total number of pages and jobs processed, serial number, page counts, and
maintenance information.
HP provides approximations of the remaining life for the supplies as a
customer convenience. The actual remaining supply levels might be different
than the approximations provided.
PRINT USAGE PAGE Prints a count of all paper sizes that have passed through the product, lists
whether they were one-sided or two-sided, and reports the page count.
PRINT DEMO PAGE Prints a demonstration page.
PRINT FILE DIRECTORY Prints the name and directory of files stored in the product.
176 Chapter 3 Solve problems ENWW