
4. Go to the folder where the firmware file is stored.
5. Press the Enter key on the keyboard.
6. When prompted for the user name, press the Enter key.
7. When prompted for the password, press the Enter key.
8. Type bin at the command prompt.
9. Press the Enter key. The message 200 Types set to I, Using binary mode to transfer files
appears in the command window.
10. Type put and then the file name. For example, if the file name is ljp3015.rfu, type put
11. The download process begins and the firmware is updated on the product. This can take several
minutes. Let the process finish without further interaction with the product or computer.
NOTE: The product automatically turns off and then on again after processing the upgrade.
12. At the command prompt, type bye to exit the ftp command.
13. At the command prompt, type exit to return to the Windows interface.
Use HP Web Jetadmin to upgrade the firmware
To learn how to use HP Web Jetadmin to upgrade the product firmware, go to www.hp.com/go/
Use Microsoft Windows commands to upgrade the firmware
NOTE: This process requires the product to be shared on a network.
1. Click the Start button, click the Run menu item, and then type cmd to open the command window.
2. Type the following: copy /B <FILENAME> \\<COMPUTERNAME>\<SHARENAME>, where
<FILENAME> is the name of the .RFU file (including the path), <COMPUTERNAME> is the name
of the computer from which the product is being shared, and <SHARENAME> is the product share
name. For example: C:\>copy /b C:\ljp3015.rfu \\YOUR_SERVER\YOUR_COMPUTER.
NOTE: If the file name or path includes a space, you must enclose the file name or path in
quotation marks. For example, type: C:\>copy /b "C:\MY DOCUMENTS\ljp3015.rfu" \
3. Press the Enter key on the keyboard. The control panel shows a message that indicates the
progress of the firmware upgrade. At the end of the upgrade process, the control panel shows the
Ready message. The message One File Copied appears on the computer screen.
Upgrade the HP Jetdirect firmware
The HP Jetdirect network interface in the product has firmware that can be upgraded separately from
the product firmware. This procedure requires that you install HP Web Jetadmin Version 7.0 or later on
ENWW Product updates 265