Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1058 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Bit Rate
Select domestic T1 operation or international E1 operation for all facilities in
the TN1654 DS1 converter complex:
● 1.544 Mbps for T1 operation
● 2.048 Mbps for E1 operation
Appears on the fiber-link screen only for TN1654 DS1 converter circuit
The TN1654 DS1 converter circuit pack is also field configurable for T1 or E1
operation. All four DS1 facilities are configured to either T1 or E1 as a group
via an option switch located on the component side of the circuit pack. An
error is logged and an alarm is raised if there is a T1/E1 inconsistency
between the administered bit rate and the board option switch setting.
Idle Code
Set the idle code for all facilities on the TN1654 DS1 converter board. This
field can accept any combination of ones (1) and zeros (0) with the
exception that the second left-most digit must be set to one (1) at all times.
Appears on the fiber-link screen for TN1654 DS1 converter circuit packs
This field determines if CRC is enabled for every facility on a TN1654 circuit
pack. The field is y if a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is to be performed
on transmissions that the board receives.
CRC only applies to E1 operation and appears on the Fiber-link screen only
for TN1654 DS1 converter circuit packs with a bit rate of 2.048 Mbps.
The DS1 facility line signal is pre-equalized at the transmitter on the DS1
converter circuit pack so that DS1 line pulses have correct amplitude and
shape when they reach the Network Interface (see Figure 51: DS1 Facility
Connections on page 1068). The amount of equalization necessary is
determined by the distance to the Network Interface, and also by the type of
wiring used to connect to the Network Interface. If the equalization is not set
to the correct value, potentially high error rates (errored seconds) will be
observed on the DS1 facility. Table 363: DS1 Facility Line Signal
Equalization Values on page 1060 explains how equalization values are
Line compensation is applicable only to T1 operation, thus these fields will
not appear on the fiber-link screen if the TN1654 DS1 converter is
administered for a bit rate of 2.048 Mbps.
Table 362: DS1 Interface Options administration (continued)
Field Description
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