SYNC (Port-Network Synchronization)
Issue 1 June 2005 2159
Notes for Sheet 1 through Sheet 5 flowcharts. (When checking for slip errors, use the previous
Table 768: Error Log Entries for Slip Errors
on page 2148.
1. Use status synchronization to see if synchronization is enabled, and to determine
the on-line reference. If the on-line reference is a Tone-Clock board, the switch is operating
in free run mode.
If Stratum 3 is displayed, and no DS1s are connected to the Stratum-3 clock or no DS1
connection existed to the Stratum-3 clock for over 24 hours, then the Stratum-3 clock is in
free run mode.
2. Check for slip errors against DS1-BD and UDS1-BD. In the error log (display errors)
look for the following error types to identify slips against these board types.
For slips on either of these board types, first refer to the individual boards section in this
manual. Follow the test and repair steps in those sections.
3. If Stratum 3 is administered (display synchronization) and on-line (status
synchronization), check for DS1-BD or UDS1-BD slip errors for the DS1(s) or UDS1(s)
used as input to the Stratum-3 clock. Check the LED indications on the Stratum-3 clock to
determine which DS1 is providing input to Stratum 3, and examine the cross-connect
information for that DS1.
4. Check for slips errors against EXP-INTF, SNI-BD, and TDM-CLK. In the error (display
errors) log look for the following error types to identify slips against these board types.
5. Check status synchronization for the current DS1 reference. If a DS1 or UDS1 is the
on-line reference, check for slips on that DS1 or UDS1.
6. Check for LOS, Blue, Yellow, and Red alarms on the on-line reference facility, and fix those
problems first. Check for slips, misframes, minor and major error rates and fix those
Board Type Error log name Log Entry (for slips)
DS1 Interface DS1-BD 3073 - 3160
UDS1 Interface UDS1-BD 3073 - 3160
Board Type Error log name Log Entry (for slips)
Expansion Interface EXP-INTF 2305
Switch Node Interface SNI-BD 1537
Tone Clock TDM-CLK 1025
DS1 Converter DS1C-BD 3329