Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 217
1646 No act call_ap/sftw err One-button transfer to data feature activation
failed. Possible causes:
● No active call appearance
● Call id passed from call_p to su_obt() is
not on the active call appearance
1647 Telcomtr diald illegl FAC Supervisor for telecommuting access.
Telecommuting extension was accessed, then a
Feature Access Code was dialed that is not
allowed to telecommute.
1648 Ctrl rstrct VDN extension Supervision for controlled restriction of user.
Control Restriction Activation/Deactivation for a
Vector Directory Number extension is not
1649 Ctrl rstrct locl ext only Supervision for controlled restriction of user.
Control Restriction Activation/ Deactivation must
be on an extension that is local to the switch.
1650 Rstrct typ/featid/COR/sta Supervision for controlled restriction of user.
Possible causes:
● Originator’s User ID not found in
DP_MGR User ID data tables
● Restriction digit does not identify with
outward, total, termination or
station-to-station type restriction
● Featid is not one of:
- activate user control restriction
- deactivate user control restriction
- activate group control restriction
- deactivate group control restriction
● Class of Restriction (COR) restricted
● Controlled restriction not allowed on
trunk or attendant group type.
1651 TTI merge/unmerge fail Station server could not perform Terminal
Translation Initiation (TTI) merge/unmerge.
1652 LWC access cod dgt invld Voice synthesis Leave Word Calling access code
digit processing saw an invalid digit or msg_sv,
rejected the request.
1653 TTI - attd not allowed Terminal Translation Initiation (TTI) unmerge
operation is not allowed from attendants.
1654 TTI - attd not allowed Personal Station Access (PSA) associate
operation cannot be originated by attendant.
1655 TTI - BRI not allowed Personal Station Access (PSA) associate
operation cannot be originated by BRI station.
1656 Other calls active/COS Personal Station Access (PSA) associate
operation. If not on a Terminal Translation
Initiation (TTI) port, check the Class of Service.
Deny if possible. Also check for other calls active
on the station.
1657 TTI - attd not allowed Personal Station Access (PSA) disassociate
operation cannot be originated by attendant.
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
25 of 33