FIBER-LK (Fiber Link)
Issue 1 June 2005 1275
137 FAIL The Endpoint 1 SNI’s administered neighbor does not match the physical
neighbor connected. Use list fiber-link to see a fiber link’s
endpoints. The SNI’s assigned neighbor is an EI, but the SNI is physically
connected to another SNI. Enter list fiber-link and verify that the
fiber-optic and metallic cables are installed as administered.
138 FAIL The physical location of SNI Endpoint 1’s neighbor does not match its
administered location. Use list fiber-link to see a fiber link’s
endpoints. One location (carrier and slot) is assigned for the endpoint’s
neighbor, but it physically resides in another location.
1. Enter list fiber-link and verify that the fiber-optic and metallic
cables are installed as administered.
2. If the problem does not seem to be caused by either a
physical-connection or an administration problem, replace the
neighbor circuit pack. The neighbor circuit pack may have a hardware
problem causing it to report a wrong angel address (physical carrier/
slot address) to software.
139 FAIL The Endpoint 1 SNI is administered to be connected to a DS1 converter, but
is not physically connected to one. Use list fiber-link to see a fiber
link’s endpoints.
If a DS1 converter should be connected to this SNI, enter list
fiber-link and verify that the fiber-optic and/or metallic cables are
installed as assigned.
If not, change administration to remove the DS1 converter complex from
the SNI’s fiber link:
1. Enter list fiber-link to locate the fiber with this SNI as an
2. Enter remove fiber-link to remove the fiber
3. Enter add fiber-link to add the fiber back, without assigning the
DS1 converter complex
Table 440: Test #759 Configuration Audit (continued)
Description / Recommendation
11 of 22