Denial Events
252 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
LSP Denial Events
Event Types 3300 - 3399 show LSP-generated denial events, as listed in LSP denial events
(3300 - 3399) on page 252.
Data Error Events
Event Types 3400 - 3499 show data error-generated denial events, as listed in Data Error denial
events (3400 - 3499) on page 252.
Table 59: LSP denial events (3300 - 3399)
Event Description
Explanation Event
Data 1
Data 2
3300 IP RRJ-LSP not active Local Survivable Processor (LSP) is not yet active. NULL sending LSP’s
IP address
3301 IP RRJ-LSP not admin Local Survivable Processor (LSP) has not been
NULL sending LSP’s
IP address
3302 IP RRJ-Version mismatch Local Survivable Processor has not been
NULL sending LSP’s
IP address
3303 IP RRJ-GK reg with GK Local Survivable Processor (LSP)/ESS is
attempting to register with another LSP/ESS.
3304 IP RRJ-LSP's MG not admin Local Survivable Processor’s serial number does
not match any administered gateway.
NULL sending LSP’s
IP address
not assigned
Table 60: Data Error denial events (3400 - 3499)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Data 2
3400 Error in vector data Bad step type.
3401 Invalid vector step type Bad step type.
3402 Companding mode mismatch Companding mode mismatch.
3403 Bad date in MCT record Bad Malicious Call Trace date.
3404 Bad date in MCT record Bad Malicious Call Trace date.
3405 Unicode cus file not read Unicode translation read error. Entire customer file not read.
3406 Error in Unicode cus file Unicode translation read error. Error found in customer file.
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