TBRI-BD (TN2185 ISDN Trunk-Side BRI)
Issue 1 June 2005 2197
j. Error Type 1792 - 1795: the circuit pack is having problems transmitting/receiving data to/
from the Packet bus.
k. Error Type 2305, 3330: critical failure in the Circuit Pack’s Packet bus interface. Possible
causes include either a Packet bus fault or an on-board fault, for example, the board
received a bad CRC or invalid DLCI. If the Packet bus is alarmed, see Isolating and
repairing packet-bus faults in Maintenance Procedures (03-300192). The number of ISDN
circuit packs displaying this error increases the probability of errors due to Packet bus
1. If there are no Packet bus alarms, reset the circuit pack with busyout board
location and reset board location.
2. If the Circuit Pack Restart test (#594) passes, then the on-board circuitry is healthy.
Retire the alarm with test board location long clear.
3. If the Circuit Pack Restart test (#594) fails, replace the circuit pack.
Error Type 2306: This is an error in a received frame from the Packet bus, most likely
caused by a packet bus problem, but may be due to a circuit pack fault. An invalid Link
Access Procedure Data (LAPD) frame error occurs if the frame contains a bad Cyclical
Redundancy Check (CRC). If bus parity errors occur, run the LAN Receive Parity Error
Counter test (#595) to determine whether the condition has cleared. Determine whether the
problem is isolated to this circuit pack or is caused by Packet bus faults.
l. Error Type 3586: the server’s software detects an excessive number of up-link messages
from the TN2185 board within a certain time period. To prevent the faulty board from
flooding the switch with data, the switch software takes the board out of service and alarms
it. The switch software also tells the Archangel to ignore up-link messages from the board.
When the board is alarmed due to this error, the switch software periodically puts the board
back in service and tells the Archangel to process up-link messages from the board. If the
problem still exists, the software takes the circuit pack out of service again. If the circuit pack
does not exhibit the problem for a certain time period, then maintenance software resolves
the alarm and the circuit pack is left in service.
m. Error Type 3841: the circuit pack received an inconsistent down-link message (a bad
header, port number, data, sub-qualifier, or logical link) over the Control Channel.
n. Error Type 3842: the board is receiving data from the bus faster than it can distribute the
data to its endpoints, causing the FIFO RAM buffer to overflow. This error can occur
occasionally due to the statistical sizing of the buffers. If it occurs frequently, it may indicate
1793 Parity errors are detected when transmitting data to the Packet bus.
1794 Packet bus transmit buffers overflow.
1795 Circuit pack cannot find end of frame when transmitting to Packet bus.
Clear the alarm with busyout board location, reset board
location, test board location long clear, release board
location. If the error recurs within 10 minutes, replace the circuit pack.