Denial Events
212 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
1583 Spvsr state/feat_id wrong Generating intercept via CP_CONFTONE with
sup = ACT_TTI_SUP (for Terminal Translation
Initiation digit collection) and feat_id !=
CHG_SEC (Change station security code).
Possible causes:
● wrong supervisory state
● wrong feat_id in callr
1584 Software invalid stim Software error. Invalid Call Processing (CP)
stimulus received while in supervision state that
handles Terminal Translation Initiation (TTI) digit
collection during dialing of the TTI security code
and extension.
1585 Abbrv Dial invalid digit Invalid digit detected while processing
abbreviated dialing.
1586 Abbrev dial prg rejected Rejection of abbreviated dialing programming
from station server.
1587 Agent extension invalid Add/Remove Agent Skills. Feature Access Code
was dialed by a user with console permissions,
but the agent-loginID extension entered is not a
valid Expert Agent Selection (EAS) AGENT
1588 Skill grp nbr illegal Add/Remove Agent Skills feature has been
invoked and the Skill number has been collected.
It does not represent a legal skill group number.
1589 Skill number invalid Add/Remove Agent Skills feature has been
invoked and the Skill number is not valid.
1590 System or software error Add/Remove Agent Skills feature has been
invoked. STN_SV encountered system or
software error.
1591 Digit collection error Add/Remove Agent Skills feature has been
invoked. Error in digit collection.
1592 Routing not to a station QSIG Call Completion ringout call from remote
originating party. Routing erroneously to a local
facility that is not an SMPL station.
1593 Digit tmo/invld rsn code Interdigit timeout or invalid reason code entered
during Expert Agent Selection (EAS) aux work
and logout reason code digit collection is in
1594 Software invalid stim Code Call paging seizure supervision received a
Call Processing (CP) stimulus from one of a big
list of incompatible feature CP stimulus.
1595 Cfwd tenant parttn rstrct Attendant-activation of call forwarding, and
extended administration of call forwarding. Error
or access denial resulted from TENANT_CHECK
where originator’s partition is restricted from
accessing partition of extension being
administered for call forwarding.
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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