Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1094 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
CAUTION: The removal of hardware and fiber cable will interrupt service.
Note: At this point in the downgrade procedure, the system is in unduplicated mode and
is operational. The physical removal of the SN carriers may be done at a time that
is convenient for the customer. The next step in the downgrade is to follow the
normal upgrade procedures from standard to high reliability.
6. change fiber-link n Change fiber removes the b-pnc endpoints
(EI, DS1Cs, if equipped). n is the number of
the fiber from step 4. Repeat this step for
every fiber from step 4.
7. Physically remove the b-pnc
endpoint circuit packs
Start with the switch carrier most distant from
the media server. Physically remove EI, SNI,
and SNC circuit packs associated with the
Remove fiber cable not used for b-pnc
carriers. See the following CAUTION.
8. change circuit-packs Update the translations for the removed circuit
packs using change circuit-packs for
● Cabinet with b-pnc SN carrier
- SNCs
- EIs and DS1Cs, if any
● Cabinet with b-pnc SN carrier
- DS1Cs from port carrier
● Cabinet with b-pnc EIs in every PN
(also DS1Cs, if equipped)
9. change cabinet UU Remove the b-pnc SN carrier.
10. Disable duplication. Obtain a license file to disable PNC
Table 372: Downgrading from Critical to High Reliability (continued)
Step # Command/Step Description
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