Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
978 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
DS1-BD (DS1 Interface Circuit Pack)
S8700 | 8710 / S8500
The DS1 Interface circuit pack provides an interface to an external DS1 facility and supports 24
DS0 channels carried on a 1.544-Mbps DS1 link. These DS0 channels can be administered as
either trunks to other switches or lines to off-premises stations. The TN464C (or later-suffixed)
Universal DS1 Interface also supports a 32-channel interface on a 2.048-Mbps link. The
functions and maintenance strategy for the TN464 circuit packs are covered under a separate
MO, UDS1-BD (UDS1 Interface Circuit Pack) on page 2374.
DS1-BD maintenance logs in-line errors reported by the DS1 Interface circuit pack, runs tests
for error diagnosis and recovery, and raises and clears alarms. The following table shows the
capabilities of each DS1 circuit pack. The TN722 and TN722B are not supported on G3r V1 or
later systems.
ISDN-PRI Trunk signaling (for example, Q.921, Q.931) requires a TN464D or higher suffix,
TN2464, or TN2242 (tie trunk signaling only) and is handled by system software. The TN464,
TN2464, and TN2242 are covered in UDS1-BD (UDS1 Interface Circuit Pack)
on page 2374.
Each trunk and line have their own maintenance strategies. However, they all depend on the
health of the DS1 Interface circuit pack. See the following sections for details: TIE-DS1 (DS1 Tie
Trunk) on page 2270, CO-DS1 (DS1 CO Trunk) on page 817, DID-DS1 (Direct Inward Dial
Trunk) on page 886, OPS-LINE (DS1 Off-Premises Station Line) on page 1736, ISDN-TRK
(DS1 ISDN Trunk) on page 1446, and ISDN-PLK (ISDN-PRI Signaling Link Port) on page 1423.
Signaling over the DS1 link must be synchronized between the transmitting and receiving ends
to ensure error-free communication. See SYNC (Port-Network Synchronization)
on page 2143
for details.
MO Name in
Alarm Log
Initial SAT Command to Run Full Name of MO
DS1-BD MAJ test board location sh DS1 Interface circuit pack
DS1-BD MIN test board location l DS1 Interface circuit pack
DS1-BD WRN test board location sh DS1 Interface circuit pack
Pack Code
Tie Trunk
CO Trunk
OPS Line Signaling
TN722/B X X
TN767/B/C/D/E X X X X X
TN464C/D/E/F/GP X X X X X X (24-chl only)
TN2313 X X X X X X