SNC-BD (Switch Node Clock Circuit Pack)
Issue 1 June 2005 2035
2306 ABRT The SNC circuit pack is not responding to test requests sent by software.
1. Run the test led switch-node for the switch node where this
board resides to verify whether the LEDs on the board light.
2. If the LEDs on the other boards in the carrier light, but the LEDs on
this board do not light, run test 760 using test board location l
for the active SNC in this carrier. Wait 5 minutes and then try step 1
one more time. If the LEDs on this board still do not light, replace this
board. Replacing an SNC may be service interrupting. See SNC-BD
(Switch Node Clock Circuit Pack) on page 2000 for the procedure for
replacing an SNC.
3. If none of the LEDs light for the boards in the same carrier as this
board, fix any problems associated with the connectivity of this carrier
to the server.
a. Use list fiber-link to list the fiber connections to this carrier.
b. Check the LEDs on every SNI and EI, and fix any fiber problems.
c. Enter display errors, and follow the repair procedures for any
EXP-INTF error entries associated with the controlling IPSI
connected PN.
d. Follow the repair procedures for any SYNC, SNI-BD, SNC-BD,
FIBER-LK, or SNI-PEER error entries.
FAIL The test failed. Replace the SNC circuit pack.
PASS No problems exist with the TPN microcontroller.
No board was detected by the test.
1. Check that SNC board is properly translated and inserted.
2. Run the test again. If it fails, reset the board. An SNC should be reset
instead of reseating the circuit pack. The reset board command
should almost never be used on an SNC. It may be necessary to use
reset board if the SNC circuit pack gets into a mode where it
cannot communicate with software. If an SNC with active errors and
alarms is reset, the errors and alarms may take a while to come back,
therefore reset board can mask real problems.
3. Run the test again. If it fails, the ID chip on board may be bad.
Replace the board and retest.
Table 743: TEST #779 TPN Test (continued)
Description / Recommendation
2 of 2