Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1672 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
h. Error Types 3841 - 3844: are not related to VSP-MCU. They could be caused by network
problems or from the customer endpoints. They are presented here for logging purposes
System Technician-Demanded Tests:
Descriptions and Error Codes
Resource Loop-Around Test (#1111)
This test is destructive.
This test checks the connectivity of the resource within MMI circuit pack and out to the TDM
bus. The object is to test the circuitry that an H.221 bit stream comes in contact with when that
stream is demultiplexed, pre-processed, written to the TDM bus and then reread (looped in the
TSI), post-processed, multiplexed, and then written back to the TDM bus for verification. The
video, audio, and data components of the bit stream are tested separately. If any one of these
tests fails, the resource is taken out of service.
Code Description
3841 CRC4 Error (Frame checksum error)
3842 Correctable BAS (Control msg bit error – 1- or 2-bit error, correctable)
3843 Uncorrectable BAS (Control msg bit error – 3-bit error or more, not
3844 Protocol Error (H.221 Protocol error from endpoint detected)
Order of Investigation Short Test
Long Test
Resource Looparound test (#1111) X X Destructive