PKT-INT (Packet Interface)
Issue 1 June 2005 1825
Maintenance Loop-Around Test (#886)
This test checks whether an IPSI circuit pack’s Packet Interface module correctly sends and
receives data. It establishes a LAPD link from the IPSI’s Packet Interface module back to the
same Packet Interface module, and transmits and receives test data over that testing link. While
timing signals from the packet bus are used for the data transfer, the data itself is looped around
on the circuit pack at the interface to the packet bus and does not get sent over the packet bus.
Note: In a high- or critical-reliability system (duplicated IPSIs), this test does not run on
a standby IPSI’s Packet Interface module. However, a failure of the Maintenance
Loop-Around test may cause an IPSI interchange that reports an alarm
(associated with the loop-around failure, Error Code 769) against the standby
IPSI’s Packet Interface module. If so, and if every other Packet Interface test in
test packet-interface location long sequence passes, use set
ipserver-interface to force the standby IPSI to go active. Then, use test
packet-interface location to run the Maintenance Loop-Around test, and
verify that the problem cleared.
Table 671: Test #886 Maintenance Loop-Around Test
Description / Recommendation
ABRT Because the IPSI circuit pack’s Packet Interface module is out of service,
normal maintenance tests do not run on that Packet Interface.
1. Use reset packet-interface location to reset the Packet
For further action, see the repair procedures in Table 674: Test #889
Reset Test on page 1836 for the Packet Interface Reset test (#889).
1139 ABRT The packet bus is alarmed.
1. Try to retire the alarm associated with the packet bus. Use display
alarms to see the Alarm Log. Refer to the maintenance
documentation for Packet Bus maintenance for further action.
2. Retry the command when the alarm associated with the packet bus is
1335 ABRT Internal IPSI error. Because the Packet Interface module is on the standby
IPSI, this test is not allowed to execute.
1. Use set ipserver-interface location to make the standby
Packet Interface active.
2. Run the test.
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