Server Alarms
80 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Table 23: SVC_MON Alarms in Media Server
Alarm Text, Cause/Description, Recommendation
1 MIN “service atd could not be restarted” — The Linux at daemon is down.
Scheduled services such as session cleanup or daily filesync will not work.
1. From the /sbin directory type service atd restart to restart the at
2. If the daemon restarts, manually clear the alarm, either from the:
● Web interface, by selecting Alarms and Notification, the
appropriate alarm, and Clear
● Linux command line, by entering almclear -n #id
If not, escalate this problem for explicit guidance with steps 2a
through 3
a. Enter grep svc_mon /var/log/messages to investigate why the
daemon failed.
CAUTION: Since the following commands cause a brief service outage,
they should only be executed at the customer’s convenience.
b. If the grep command’s output does not help:
● S8700 | 8710: enter server to verify that the suspected server is the
standby. If necessary and at the customer’s convenience, enter
server -if to force a server interchange.
● S8500: Proceed to Step d.
If necessary and at the customer’s convenience, enter server -if to
force a server interchange.
S8700 | 8710: Reboot the standby server, either from the:
● Web interface, by selecting Shutdown This Server
● Linux command line, entering /sbin/shutdown -r now
S8500: Reboot the server, either from the:
● Web interface, by selecting Shutdown This Server
● Linux command line, entering /sbin/shutdown -r now
3. If rebooting the standby does not help or if the problem recurs, escalate
the problem to the next higher tier.
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