Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 209
1540 Callback type qry failed Invalid callback type returned by gm_query().
1541 Invalid call ID/conn fail Switch has answered remote access call. Set up
end-to-end signaling digit collection. Invalid
Caller ID or Touch Tone Receiver (TTR)
connection failure. (tu_ecoll_dg(), bch_ecoll_dg()
1542 TTR queueing error Switch answered a remote access call. Set up
end-to-end signaling digit collection. Touch Tone
Receiver (TTR) queueing erroneously occurred
in auth_feat().
1543 Telcmt accss ext qry fail Switch answered a remote access call and set up
end-to-end signaling digit collection. Failure
querying DPM for User ID of telecommuting
access extension.
1544 Barrier/auth cod qry fail Switch answered a remote access call and set up
end-to-end signaling digit collection. Invalid
response from DPM on query for whether barrier
code and authorization code are needed.
1545 Acct code length qry fail Query of DPM for SMDR account code length
1546 Held call serv_d failure Handle T120 requests for a video conference.
Accessing the callr of the held call failed retrieval
from serv-d.
1547 Video conf deact flag er T120 request for deactivation of video
conference, but the call has no indication that a
video conference exists. (mm_dataconf_on)
1548 Dat drop not frm dat orig T120 request for deactivation of video
conference. It is only valid to drop data from the
originator of data. The user who pressed the
button is not the originator.
1549 T120 drop CM failure CM failure on T120 drop request from valid user
with T120 on.
1550 T120 activate CM failure CM failure on Feature Access Code dialed
request for T120 activation.
1551 Invalid test tone specfd Terminating trunk transmission test call. Invalid
test tone specified for connection to the call.
1552 Whisp pg elgblity qry err Query of GRP_M for whisper page eligibility
encountered an error or the response was
1553 Whisp pg too many parties Activate whisper page answer ftr. callr party block
has no slot available for the page originator.
1554 Whisp pg ansr merge fail Activate whisper page answer ftr. switch of the
Caller ID of the paging party from the original call
failed (um_wpswap())
1555 Whisp pg too many parties Merging the paging call with the paged call. callr2
party block has no slot available for the merged
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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