PKT-INT (Packet Interface)
Issue 1 June 2005 1807
Figure 106: Duplex-Reliability Configuration
High-Reliability Configuration - Multi-Connect
The high-reliability configuration shown in Figure 107: High-Reliability Configuration -
Multi-Connect on page 1808 has duplicated media servers, duplicated control networks, and
duplicated IPSIs in the IPSI connected PNs. With this configuration, every IPSI connected PN
must have duplicated IPSIs. The duplicated control network prevents a single fault in the control
network, such as a bad Ethernet switch, from bringing the whole system down. Because the
IPSIs are duplicated in this configuration, the PKT-INT modules are duplicated.
High-Reliability Configuration - IP Connect
The IP Connect high reliability configuration is similar to the multi-connect configuration. There
are no expansion interface circuit packs in the IP connect configuration. There are duplicated
IPSI circuit packs in each port network. Port networks must use the G650 rack mounted carrier
to accommodate the duplicated clock circuits located on the IPSI circuit packs. See
Figure 108: High-Reliability Configuration - IP Connect
on page 1808
PN n
Server A Server B
PN 2
PN 1
Control Network A
Bearer Network