Denial Events
222 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
1721 QSIG VM-no remote user id Received a Voicemail Number MSI but did not
receive an original diverting number.
1722 QSIG VM-prin not smpl uid The local principal User ID is not a simple user
User ID.
1723 QSIG VM-no voicemail nbr Do not know the number of the voicemail adjunct,
the call cannot transfer to the adjunct.
1724 Annc Record Session Fail Announcement record session was denied by the
UID board’s reason
for denial.
1725 QSIG VM-hunt not in cvg p Principal does not have a QSIG MWI (Message
Waiting Indicator) hunt group in its coverage
1726 Cant get Smpl Attd-uid Cannot get simple attendant User ID.
1727 cannot use PASTE Station restriction is total, cannot use PC
Application Software Exchange (PASTE).
1728 Deny PE originated calls PE already active on call.
1729 Direct Agent call failed Direct Agent Call failed.
1730 Trk-grp uid retrieve fail All failed to retrieve Release Link Trunk (RLT)
trunk group User ID for Centralized Attendant
Service (CAS).
1731 I/C call on O/G Trunk Incoming call on outgoing trunk.
1732 Caller COR Restricted Caller Class of Restriction (COR) restricted
1733 Conference 2 Attendants Cannot conference 2 attendants.
1734 Max Pub Net Trks on conf Maximum number of Public Network Trunks on
1735 Max conf parties w/PNTrks Maximum number of conference parties with
Public Network Trunks.
1736 Max conf parties wo/PNTrk Maximum number of conference parties without
Public Network Trunks.
1737 Max conf/xfer parties Maximum number of conference or transfer
1738 Conf/xfer unstable calls Cannot conference or transfer unstable calls.
1739 Div Reroute/Path Replace Cannot transfer Diversion Rerouting or Path
Replacement call.
1740 No Disconnect Supervision Cannot transfer, no disconnect control party.
1741 Transfer trunk to trunk Cannot transfer trunk to trunk.
1742 Conf/xfer Whisper Page Cannot conference or transfer whisper page.
1743 cnf/xfr Emergency/Wakeup Cannot conference or transfer emergency or
wakeup call.
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
30 of 33