PPP-PT (Control LAN Packet/Port)
Issue 1 June 2005 1895
2. See SCOTCH Synchronous Loop-Around Test (#1275) on page 1898 for repair
procedures to verify repair.
3. Clear the alarm (test port location long clear).
d. Error Type 513: PPP link lost end-to-end connectivity.
1. Test for hardware problem (test port location long).
2. Run TDM Loop-Around Test (#1285)
on page 1897, and refer to repair procedures if
there is a hardware problem.
If there is no hardware problem, the switch tries to re-establish PPP link.
e. Error Type 769: Port received an invalid frame, which is greater than the maximum length,
contains CRC errors, and/or violates the link level protocol.
1. Test the port (test port location long).
2. Refer to TDM Loop-Around Test (#1285)
on page 1897 to verify repair.
3. Clear the alarm (test port location long clear).
f. Error Type 1281: the far end has requested a disconnect of a session on this link. This is a
log-only error.
g. Error Type 1537, 1538: some or all port sessions (sockets) are down:
1. Test the port (test port location short).
2. See Session Status Test (#1286)
on page 1902 for repair procedure to verify repair.
h. Error Type 1793-1920: a socket was closed due to an error. Error Type indicates the
application associated with this socket; Aux Data indicates the internal application number.
If the switch indicates that: Then it:
Some of the sessions are down Raises off-board WARNING
Every session is down Raises off-board MINOR alarm
Error Type Application
1793 Unused
1794 DCS
1795 AUDIX
1796 CMS
1797 ISDN Gateway
1798–1920 Reserved for future