FIBER-LK (Fiber Link)
Issue 1 June 2005 1265
2. Run test led switch-node for each administered switch node carrier (SNC), and verify
that the LEDs on the correct SNC are lit.
If not, check the connectivity to the SNC that does not light the LEDs as expected.
Table 440: Test #759 Configuration Audit
Description / Recommendation
2100 ABRT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test for
endpoint 1 of the fiber link.
1. Use list fiber-link to display a fiber link’s endpoints.
2. If this fiber link has two SNI endpoints, run test board location
separately for each SNI and follow the repair procedures in section
2300 ABRT The downlink message necessary to run this test could not be sent.
1. Use list fiber-link to display fiber link endpoints.
2. If this fiber link has two SNI endpoints, run test board location
separately for each SNI and follow the repair procedures in section
2301 ABRT The software timer could not be set before sending the downlink message
necessary to run this test.
1. Use list fiber-link to display fiber link endpoints.
2. If this fiber link has two SNI endpoints, run test board location
separately for each SNI and follow the repair procedures in section
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